

My name is Yu Cao, PhD from the University of Southampton.

My research interests are in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. I am working on large scale Data + AI cloud service with special interests in parallel and distributed computing.

This website is a snapshot of my research between 2016 to 2021. For more recent work, please check the wiki and personal work can be found at my blog.

Data-driven News:

  • I have decided to join the industry and explore how Data + AI could benefit the public. (Apr. 2021)

  • I have moved to University of Edinburgh as a research associate working on ORCA hub project. (July. 2019)

  • I am organising World Robotic Sailing Championship (WRSC) 2019 at China! Please join us! (May. 2019)

  • We will host World Robotic Sailing Championship (WRSC) 2018 at Southampton! Please join us! (Apr. 2018) and we won again (Sept. 2018)

  • PyResis Python ship propulsion Resistance estimation package is released under MIT license. (Oct. 2017)

  • We defend our champion in World Robotics Sailing Competition 2017 at Norway! (Sept. 2017)

* Opinions on this website are my own